
The Richmond, Indiana, Micropolitan Statistical Area consists of Wayne County in east-central Indiana.* The city of Richmond, located on the Ohio border 40 miles east of Dayton, is the county seat and most populous city in Wayne County.

* Micropolitan areas are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. They have smaller urban clusters relative to metropolitan areas.

Quick Stats

Click on any quick stat to view details and a comparison table.

66,127 Population (2023)
4.6 Unemployment Rate (March 2024)
$3.3 billion Personal Income (2022)
$947 Average Weekly Wage (2023 Qtr. 3)
22.5% Manufacturing Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)
25,201 Total Private Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)

The Richmond Futurecast Event

Thank you for attending!

Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023
Breakfast served at 7:30 am.

Vivian Auditorium – Whitewater Hall

2325 Chester Boulevard,
Richmond, IN 47374

What did we say last year about the Richmond region?

Published December 16, 2022

The IU East Regional Business Confidence Index (IUERBCI) and its sub-indexes, composed from local business operators’ responses to the annual business survey conducted in the region, all declined in 2022. The IUERBCI decreased by 3.6% to 88.58 points, indicating that businesses in the region had less confidence in doing business in 2022 as compared with the year before. At the same time, its Present Situation sub-index (83.49 points) decreased by 2.6% while its Expectation sub-index (91.44 points) also dropped by 5.1%. Both declines suggest that surveyed businesses in the region experienced a worse year in 2022 than the year before, and that they also have a worse outlook for 2023 than they did for 2022.

Although the impact of COVID-19 on businesses has appeared to weaken gradually, relatively high inflation and the disruption in the supply chain due to various reasons continue to present challenges to business operations in the region. As a result, we project that the unemployment rate for the region will likely swing in a wide range around 3% through 2023.

Read the full Richmond article »

Each year in December, the Indiana Business Research Center publishes a special Outlook edition of the Indiana Business Review.

Published continuously since 1926, the Indiana Business Review is a quarterly publication that provides analysis and insight on economic and demographic issues.