
The Columbus, Indiana, Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of Bartholomew County in south-central Indiana.* The city of Columbus, located 40 miles south of Indianapolis and known worldwide for its modern architecture, is the area’s principal municipality and its anchor.

* MSAs are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Quick Stats

Click on any quick stat to view details and a comparison table.

84,003 Population (2023)
3.6 Unemployment Rate (March 2024)
$5.2 billion Personal Income (2022)
$1,318 Average Weekly Wage (2023 Qtr. 3)
43.7% Manufacturing Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)
44,763 Total Private Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)

The Columbus Futurecast Event

Thank you for attending!

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
Lunch served at 11:30 am.

The Commons Nugent-Custer Performance Hall & Upper Lobby

300 Washington Street,
Columbus, IN 47201

Featured Speakers at the Columbus Futurecast Event

What did we say last year about the Columbus region?

Published December 16, 2022

Local unemployment rates remain lower than the national and state averages in the aftermath of the pandemic shutdown. Indiana’s and Columbus’ low unemployment rates are derived from an emphasis on manufacturing, which experiences tighter labor markets during economic expansions.

Three scenarios are presented as economic forecasts for the Columbus MSA: a soft landing, moderate landing (most likely) and hard landing - terminology used in relation to the Federal Reserve monetary policy actions.

In the “moderate landing” scenario, Columbus may experience declining real GDP between 1.0% to 4.0%. Weakness in the automotive and durable goods sector, fueled by continued supply chain issues and high interest rates, combined with declining consumer confidence, would be key to this scenario.

Unemployment may increase slightly to 3.0% to 4.0% in 2023 due to slack in the manufacturing sector and the addition of up to 1,500 new entrants into the job market. In this scenario, the number of employed is expected to increase by between 0 and 1,000 in 2023. We expect this economic weakening to materialize in the second half of 2023.

Read the full Columbus article »

Each year in December, the Indiana Business Research Center publishes a special Outlook edition of the Indiana Business Review.

Published continuously since 1926, the Indiana Business Review is a quarterly publication that provides analysis and insight on economic and demographic issues.