
The Kokomo, Indiana, Metropolitan Statistical Area, consists of Howard County in north-central Indiana.* The city of Kokomo, with an economic base centered around the automotive industry, is the county seat and the most populous city in Howard County.

* MSAs are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Quick Stats

Click on any quick stat to view details and a comparison table.

83,831 Population (2023)
5.5 Unemployment Rate (March 2024)
$4.0 billion Personal Income (2022)
$1,112 Average Weekly Wage (2023 Qtr. 3)
28.7% Manufacturing Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)
30,804 Total Private Employment (2023 Qtr. 3)

The Kokomo Futurecast Event

Thank you for attending!

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
Breakfast served at 7:30 am.

Kelley Student Center – Room 130

2300 S Washington St,
Kokomo, IN 46904

Featured Speakers at the Kokomo Futurecast Event

What did we say last year about the Kokomo region?

Published December 16, 2022

New investment by Stellantis, as well as the re-tooling of existing facilities, is expected to provide a positive impact on the region’s employment and wages in 2023 and beyond. The Kokomo MSA lagged other metropolitan areas of the state in employment growth in 2021-22.

This trend is expected to reverse in 2023-24. Projections made by the Indiana University Center for Econometric Model Research (CEMR) demonstrate that Kokomo is expected to shift from a decline in total employment to significant growth in the next two years.

Read the full Kokomo article »

Each year in December, the Indiana Business Research Center publishes a special Outlook edition of the Indiana Business Review.

Published continuously since 1926, the Indiana Business Review is a quarterly publication that provides analysis and insight on economic and demographic issues.