99 years of economic insights for Indiana

The IBR is a publication of the Indiana Business Research Center at IU's Kelley School of Business.

Executive Editor, Carol O. Rogers
Managing Editor, Brittany L. Hotchkiss

Summer 2008

Summer 2008 Indiana Business Review
Want a nice print copy?

How Our Population Grows
By Matt Kinghorn and Rachel Justis

Projection Implications on the Economy

County Population Estimates for 2007: Interpreting the Components of Change
By Vincent Thompson

From the Editor

It is so fundamental to everything we do that we often ignore it—our population. Few know how many people actually reside in their state, county, or town, but the mere fact of “how many” people live in a community or area is critical to everything that makes a community tick—water, sewerage, roads, health care, public safety, and the consumable goods and services we all rely upon. Even fewer ponder how population actually grows or declines. A recent NY Times article was both sad and heartening when discussing that very issue (of course, it focused on the fact that Pittsburgh now has more people dying within its boundaries than being born—a demographic fact called natural decrease). Indiana is not even close to natural decrease—we have approximately double the births than deaths, but that doesn’t mean communities within our state are immune to that sad effect, as you will learn in this issue.

–Carol O. Rogers, Executive Editor